10 signs someone doesn't want a human relationship, even if you've been dating for a while

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These are the signs that a relationship might not exist in the cards.
The WB
  • Casually dating at first can lead to a relationship — but not always.
  • You and the person you lot are dating might not be on the same level of what they want from dating.
  • These are the signs that there might not be a serious relationship with this person in your future.

Dating is hard, but it tin can go even more complicated if you lot've been seeing someone for a while and can't tell if they want to have things to the next level. Even if you know what you lot want, it doesn't hateful that it necessarily matches what the person yous're dating wants … despite the amazing chemistry you lot might share.

But if the person you're dating doesn't want a serious relationship, it's important to figure that out early, rather than wasting more fourth dimension with someone who isn't looking for the aforementioned things you are from a partner. It'due south ever painful to break things off, simply if you and the person you're seeing don't have a hereafter together, it's probably best to motility on as soon every bit possible.

Wondering if the person you're dating might non be in it for the long haul? Read on for signs that a serious relationship may not be in the cards.

They don't make yous a priority.

Realizing that you're non a priority is a big sign.
tommaso79/ iStock

It can be a major sign that something isn't right if you don't meet yourself coming offset with the person you're dating — peculiarly when they're making plans or breaking promises.

"If they tell you they are going to call you and never call y'all, if they make plans with you and abolish and accept chronic excuses," social worker Danielle Forshee told Elite Daily .

They aren't interested in your life outside of the relationship.

Non talking about our lives is a sign they don't really want yous in it.
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"If the person is non inquiring about your life or is not trying to get to know you by request questions," Forshee told the site. "They [don't] integrate you into their daily life or talk to you about their day or integrate you into their life in general."

Building a lasting bond with someone means having an interest in your life. If you find yourself giving that to them without receiving the same in render, information technology could mean that they aren't as invested in the human relationship equally you are, in which case it's easier to end things sooner rather than later on.

Yous've been dating for a long time without putting a characterization on it.

If yous've tried to have "the talk" only haven't gotten answer — that could be a sign.

For some people, labels are important, but others aren't concerned — and if it works for you lot, that's okay. Merely if y'all've had the talk about "where is this going?" and oasis't gotten an answer that involves beingness exclusive or a new level of commitment, you might want to reevaluate.

"Every relationship – no thing how easy-going – comes with rules," Dr. Anna Machin told BBC . "If you don't want to put labels on information technology and so you need to brand sure you're both on the same page most what that really means."

You oasis't met their family or friends.

If they want to build a future with you lot, they want you to meet their family.

"People who want to build a futurity together blend their lives — they don't keep them separated," Eliza Boquin, the possessor of The Relationship & Sexual Wellness Center, told Bustle . "It may be a sign that they're either hiding something, or they just don't see a future with you."

And in either case, that's not a good situation.

They're notwithstanding dating other people.

The first stride to a relationship is to make things sectional.
The WB

If your end goal is monogamy, there'south going to be a part where you stop casually dating and brand things exclusive. But if you've been seeing each other for a while and you know that they're yet dating other people, that ways they're keeping their options open. If that's not OK with you, it's time to cut them loose.

They're "breadcrumbing" you.

"Breadcrumbing" is basically leading someone on.
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You might be unfamiliar with the term "breadcrumbing," but if it's happening to you, you'll know that it feels a lot like being led on.

"Breadcrumbing means he's leading you on by feeding crumbs of affection that never lead to anything," relationship expert Tracey Cox wrote in an commodity for Daily Mail. "This is the guy who pops upwardly on social media telling you how hot you are; he likes all of your posts, pops upward to ask how your day is going, (if yous're lucky) he'll fifty-fifty phone now and and so. But that'south every bit far as it goes."

Conversation remains on a surface level — on their side, anyway.

Not beingness there for you in sad times probably ways that they aren't committed.
AntonioGuillem/ iStock

Is the person you lot're dating there for yous in the good times, simply in no blitz to exist there for yous when you're sad? That can be a definite reddish flag that they're not in it for the long booty — specially if you've noticed that they likewise don't enquire personal questions about your life, your family, or your job.

"When a dating partner acts as if you are merely a convenience — they're clearly showing that they're not very serious,"Dr. Carla Marie Manly, a clinical psychologist, and author previously told INSIDER.

Their dating contour hasn't been taken down.

Having a dating app means they probably aren't going to commit.
Teerawit Chankowet/Shutterstock

If you've stopped going on dates but theirs is nevertheless live, that can be a sign that they're still browsing to observe out what other fish are in the body of water, and that could mean it'southward fourth dimension to cut and run.

"I don't go to Amazon to browse books. I get in that location to buy. I don't get to the gym to not work out. I go there to swim," dating expert Evan Marc Katz wrote in his weblog. "There is merely no viable, reasonable, acceptable response he tin can brand – fifty-fifty if, somehow, he has not met ANY new women since 'committing' to yous."

They're yet obsessed with their ex.

If they are even so talking about their ex, they probably aren't over them.

Information technology's never a good sign when you notice that the person you're dating is yet talking about their ex, because that usually means that they're non over that past relationship and that they probably aren't in a skillful place to build a new ane with y'all.

"While this person might be available in the time to come, exist cautious of falling in love with someone who isn't fully ready to participate in a new relationship," dear and dating bus Chelli Pumphrey told MeetMindful . "Y'all run the chance of them returning to an ex, or to having a nice rebound fling with you until they heal and get clear on the fact that they actually don't want a relationship."

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